My Work > Home Body

16" x 20"
Living Room 2
16" x 20"
Front Porch
16" x 20"
Living Room
Digital Photography
16" x 20"

Homebody arose from play with a friend’s dollhouse and miniatures. It quickly became a series that captured the feelings and environment experienced during the pandemic of 2020 and 2021. The struggle for all people and families has been life altering and will be the type of experience that shapes us for years to come. At most, we have and will continue to deal with PTSD and loss. In the least, this time will be the anecdotes we tell our grandchildren. The curation and placement of the miniature and precious items reflects an effort to combat the futility to create a world, or at least a room, that makes sense when the tools and supplies accessible are far from adequate. Each image is its own anecdote, suggesting a way to digest these most challenging times.